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Iraq Horticulture Development Program

The Iraq Horticulture Development Program (IHD) is a four-year development project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and implemented by ECO Consult in cooperation with Delphy. The project aims at boosting the Horticulture sector’s competitiveness, strengthening knowledge among farmers on efficient and sustainable horticulture management and increasing resilience of market systems

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Our Works

Agriculture is a vital sector in Iraq as it is the second largest sector contributing to the economy. However, the sector is challenged with multiple issues that require action to reverse, relapse and increase the its contribution to the economy.

The gaps in the value chains for major horticulture projects and insufficient deployment of technologies have contributed to reducing competitiveness of Iraqi products. Iraq’s heavy dependence on imports of vegetables and fruits from neighboring countries namely Turkey and Iran create market competition with local production.

Adopting New Technologies

Iraq is known for its mix of geographic landscape; while arid lands are widespread in the southern and middle parts of the country and irrigated agriculture is dominant.

Improving Postharvest Practices

Local production is immediately competed with cheaper imports from neighboring countries. Thus, local produce is either not sold or at some instances.

Enhancing Knowledge Exchange

Acquiring and disseminating knowledge by various actors is critical to the development of the Horticulture sector and improvement of farming practices.

Looking to do Organic Farming?

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Healthy Produce

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Garden Fresh Fruits

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Soil Enrichment

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The Ultimate Retreat

Benefits of Organic Farming

Let us resolve to go green

Resources for Farming

Go green, go natural....we love to help you!

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  • Let us protect the environment
  • Preserve it the way it was
  • We owe it to the world
  • Go green, use biodegradables
  • No chemicals, No fumes!
  • Fresh air, fresh water, fresh soil!








Let us bring back a green Earth!

Client’s words